M. Reza Tirgan Phone: (011)98-21-778-09227 E-mail: mr_tirgan@yahoo.com |
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. My name is Reza Tirgan. I am a physical chemist. H-Particles.com represents my current research and hypothesis in the H-Particle paths. The interpretation of Heisenberg relationships according to H particle-paths hypothesis viewpoint differs from classical notion of point-like particles. In other words, the H particle-paths population density at a location replaces the concept of probabilistic existence of a particle in the latter case, at that location. Otherwise, there is no way to picture particles as objective elements of reality that occupy definite regions of space at all time. At the present time, fundamental constants, length, weight and measure calibration is one of the main goals for the standard organizations of the world. Thus, on the basis of known laws in physics, a new method of interpretation of constancy of light speed is edited in order to correlate the behavior of matter in its both wave and particle aspects, founded on the H particle-paths assumption of right and left-handed spins moving at c speed. I hope that you enjoy your visit and reading of my work. I invite each one of you to contact me with your comments about this work and any questions you may have. M. Reza. Tirgan
Preface The concept of wave and particle are so different that it is hard to understand how light (and other radiation) can be both [4]. Thus, on the basis of physical experiments facts, laws and results the searching for a model theory that can be fitted in the two stated above frameworks has led to the H particle-paths hypothesis idea as a bridge that can correlate these two different aspects of matter. By this new assumption and considering the equivalence of mass and energy, a new concept of forces, energy, momentum, inertia, field (gravitation or electromagnetic), electric charge, magnetic effect, self acceleration of an isolated moving mass bodies on the basis of left and right-handed spin of imaginary wave-like H particle-paths moving at c speed can be visualized. I never claim that these kind of hypothetical particles exist in nature, as there is no experimental evidence until yet in this respect. Therefore on the basis of this model theory, one can reach to the end results by preliminary assumption of imaginary H particle-paths and finally canceling out their presence from the results obtained, e.g., (spooky) action at a distance [219,220, 360], or ballistic transmission, to have new insights as if we are encountered with a kind of hidden variables [184]. Thus, H particle-paths can have an auxiliary role in the interpretation of the fundamental physical realities in the framework of a model theory. According to a Persian legend narrated by famous mystical poet Mollana Molavi (Roomy) "seven clever blinds in their trip encountered with an elephant, each of them touched by hand a part of the animal's body and explained the elephant shape according to their own investigations. Thus, who had touched the elephant's trunk explained him as a serpent, other touched the animal leg describes him as a column and so on. Through the whole data gathered by blind men the physical model shape of the elephant is discovered". By analogy with this example on the basis of a model theory based on experiments, a schema of wave-particle feature of matter will be accessible accordingly although it is deviated from reality. "It is ironic that relativity theory and quantum theory not only contradict much of what we know (or think we know) of the world, they also contradict each other. Each has its domain - relativity describes macro space-time events, and quantum theory describes micro sub-atomic events. Each theory works perfectly within its own domain, but combining them creates contradictions, e.g. relativity demands that nothing can travel faster than light, but in quantum entangled particles can affect each other instantly from anywhere in the universe, which Einstein called "spooky action at a distance"[583]. The HPPH aims to overcome these kinds of controversies by proposing a new thinking as a third way. Unfortunately, some experiments and tests that cannot be explained according to well-known theories are denied its reliabilities by scientific societies and do not published by related scholarly journals. The accesses to new theories improvement of current ones are postponed. "Science is a kind of open laboratory for a democracy; Good science comes from the collision of contradictory ideas, from conflict, from people trying to do better than their teacher did"[237], "If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it, A. Einstein"[391]. Science is about finding new correct insights and ruling out the incorrect ones. If science works, there must be always some wrong proposals that are eventually ruled out. Science is a kind of open laboratory for a democracy; good science comes from the collision of contradictory ideas, from conflict, from people trying to do better than the teacher did [237]. Progress in science depends on unconventional idea being put forward and subsequently tested by observational data. Sometimes unconventional notion-like the assertion that Earth is spherical instead of flat, or that particles behave like waves are strongly resisted when they are first proposed, but become fully accepted in later times. What can be learned from history is that unconventional ideas are necessary ingredients for the advancement of science. If one always studied phenomena within the framework of conventional science, the chance of hitting upon something new that could not explained within our present understanding would be minimal. And if one never observed contradiction to a theory- because one was too complacent to care to look for them-the theory could never be improved upon [114]; on the other hand, challenging any popular or long-held theory in science is a risk, and can even end a promising career. "New truths of science are often unwelcome, emotional rejection occurs if the new truth conflicts with established belief. Max Planck once said. New scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents, but because the opponents die and a new generation grow up unopposed to the new idea." [503]. "Those who invoke to Allah's remembrance while standing, sitting and lying down on their sides, and mediate deeply about the creation of the heavens and the Earth" [110] A, Al-e-Imran/Surah3 Verse 191. The H particle-paths assumption is not so complicated as other assumptions and theories, such as Tachyon particles, many worlds and many minds interpretation of quantum mechanics, zero-point energy In spite of great technological success, physics at the end of the century has come under more and more criticism. It is charged with having lost its character as an experimental science, becoming too abstract and mathematical [115]. "Mathematics and physics take fundamentally different approaches to describing nature. The former is more concerned with what might be possible, and the latter with what is definitely real" [437]. Natural science is concerned with causes: logic and mathematics are only tools [230]. The element of the physical reality cannot be determined by a priori philosophical consideration, but must be found by an appeal to results of experiments and measurements [75]. The interpretation of a physical theory has to rely on an experimental practice; the experimental practice presupposes a certain pre-scientific practice of description, which establishes the norm for experimental scientific experience [349]. Therefore, this article based mostly on experiments, observations and physical argumentations rather than purely results based upon some theoretical concepts and mathematical formalism; it removes the observer from the formalism and put him back in the laboratory where he belongs. Factually, experience, as dictated by the scientific method, is the sole examiner, so if the theoretical foundations and postulates are not well defined on the basis of experiments any related mathematical elaborations conducted to non valid results. In any case, it is extremely desirable that only statements that can be directly verified in an experiment are chosen as postulates. According to a Persian proverb, if the first brick of a wall is not well founded by mason, even if it extended up to the Venus planet, it will be tilted during its construction. The H particle-paths hypothesis is dealing with the theoretical physics in a different way to open a new window for understanding the laws of nature. The following are the main results obtained on the basis of H particle-paths hypothesis: 1) The H particle-paths are the main constituents of matter, field and energy. They construct two distinct media, the spatial medium of expanding character with the slight dominance of right-handed H particle-paths respect to left-handed ones. The mass medium of contracting character with the slight preference of left-handed H particles respect to right-handed ones. The particles, mass-bodies, fields, e.g., gravitational, electromagnetical, are due to the different aspects of these two types H particle-paths. 2) According to a new concept of relativity; electrical charges, magnetic effects and electromagnetic interactions are the manifestation of the left and right-handed spin of H particle-paths behaviors regarding their selective spatial interactions. 3) All the laws of motion and interaction obey the path-constancy principle. 4) The fields, e.g., gravity, electromagnetic, particle paths at quantum level, vacuum space and time are explained on the basis of expanding H particle-paths spheres assumption. The Abstract, Introduction, Sec.1, and the table of contents are the keys of the study of this article; in addition, the latter is arranged in such a manner that the reader with medium knowledge of modern physics can be introduced with the H particle-paths hypothesis on the basis of physical process classifications as far as possible. Moreover, regarding the fundamental laws supposed as known by the reader, interpretation of physical experiments on the basis of this model theory are given through the sections 1 to 12 of the whole text. Through this article, it is attempted to indicate the accepted sentences with this text from other articles followed by related reference number given in section 13, in order to simplify its access by readers. Moreover, it is proposed to read each section of the article in first time without referring to the Notes, comments, Remarks, and references in order to have better access to the text. |